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Código de erro comum

Código de erro comum

Code Display

1102 Error: User/Password orShared Name/Folder Name  Domain name is not entered. Enter the user name with the form of either

Assign disable user/password.

Enter the correct user name/password.

Assign the user who is not allowed to access to folder.

Enter correct user name/password.

Check the access limit of destination folder.


1103 Error: Pathname or File Name Domain name is not enter Enter the user name with the form of either

Connect to the folder which is Enter correct user name/password.

Check the access limit of destination folder.

Assign disable folder path. Enter correct folder path


1105 Error: Not support protocol SMB Protocol is set to OFF. Check ON in the [Scanner]-[SMB] screen in



2101 Error: Can not connect Enter the disable host name/IP address.

Enter the correct host name or IP address.

Assign the wrong port number.

Enter the correct port number.

Network is not connected. Check if the server is operating properly.

Check the network connection (cable. Network condition within LAN, etc.).

2103 Error: Response wait with timeout The server is unable to communicate.

Check if the server is operating properly.


2201 Error: Network transfer Error occurs on the network. Check the network connection (cable. Network condition within LAN, etc.).


2203 Error: Response wait with timeout Response is not returned from the server above specified time. Check the network connection (cable. Network condition within LAN, etc.).


9181 Error: Page max count over The number of pages of a send file exceeded 999 pages.